In December via e-hearing, the Federal Court was posed with two questions by an ex-employee of CIMB Bank Berhad who had, after entering into a Consent Award at the Industrial Court, filed an application for judicial review out of time at the High Court.
The Federal Court declined to grant leave to appeal, upholding the earlier decisions of the Court of Appeal and High Court.
The High Court had dismissed the Applicant’s application for leave to commence judicial review on the basis that the prescribed timeframe under O. 53 r. 3(6) of the Rules of Court 2012 requires strict compliance and further, the reasons given by the Applicant for the delay was unacceptable. The High Court’s judgment was affirmed by the Court of Appeal.
Please click here for the full decision of the High Court.
The Bank was represented by partners Dato’ Thavalingam C. Thavarajah and Sebastian Tay of T. Thavalingam & Co.